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Take Care of Your Inner Being

Dear Gatherers,

We have been in quarantine for three months, a quarter of a year. Time has slowed down but emotions are moving through us at rapid speeds. In a single day, we can feel anger, frustration, gratitude, irritation and despair. We are afraid. We are enraged. We are exhausted. We are cautiously optimistic. We are dealing with what life is throwing at us. We can't take anything else. There are no answers right now. We are worried about our parents, our kids, our finances, our world. I am right there with you.

I saw Anderson Cooper cry when talking to Prof. Cornel West about the humanity exhibited at the funeral of George Floyd. Prof. West assured him that tears are an indication of how much we care and that we are not dead inside. I started to cry, and for the first time in a while, hope entered my being. Love really is the answer. That's what The Gathering has always been about, my desire to bring more love into the world. In Cornel West's words:

"That's why love is so inseparable from any talk about truth or death, because we know that love is fundamentally a death of an old self that was isolated and the emergence of a new self entangled with another self, the self that you fall in love with".

I believe in the power of love and of self exploration and growth. We can shed our old selves and allow our newer selves to emerge, more loving, more tolerant, more compassionate of others and ourselves.

Please join me on Sunday at 4 PT/ 7 ET for meditation, music, sharing, reflection and poetry, all designed to make you feel calmer, clearer and more connected.


In response to your requests for a weeknight session, I have added Thursday Gatherings, starting Thursday, June 18 at 5 PT/8 ET!

So much is happening in the world around us. Take care of your inner being.

Join us for authentic conversation and genuine support.

As Martin Luther King Jr said:

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Let's all do our part and love more and more.

Let's start with ourselves.

Hope to see you on Sunday.

With love and light,



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